Rabo & Co Magazine

85 unique magazines, 3,740 pages, 1,500 lay-outs, 4,830 photos all based on 1 smart solution.

Design & studio & print management
Tooling / Magazine / Design
Rabo & Co Magazine is produced in 85 different editions three times a year for all Rabobank members. All central, regional and local content is shared in this. The central and regional content is produced by the cooperation, while the banks themselves providing the local content. Over 300 users work together to produce the magazines. To keep this all on track, Rabobank asked altavia.unite to devise a smart, online solution.
we know that tight planning is needed for this as well as automation. That’s why we decided to offer Rabobank an online editorial tool in which all those involved could work simultaneously. Users could then upload their content easily and get to work quickly; from photographers to text-writers to the banks themselves.
‘From design to production: all users have access to the online editorial platform that contains the complete tooling to add content straight into the layouts of the magazines. The output, 85 pdf files for printing & online, are generated automatically.
We developed a tool so that each separate bank can design its own magazine version. Altavia.unite now offers final editing and printing support. We also introduced an online support desk to answer user questions. These tools and support enable the bank to produce over 85 unique magazines three times a year.